Muscle Monologues: Navigating the Delightfully Confusing World of Bulking

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Introduction of how to bulk

It’s that time again – the glorious bulking season, that time of the year to channel our inner Greek gods, and indulging in all our cravings. But before we eat everything in the pantry cupboard let’s dive into the nitty gritty of how to bulk like a pro. There is a wide range of advice out there on maximizing musEExplore the science of how to bulk – We dive into science of calories, macro nutrients, anabolic window and more. Getting you ready for bulking seasonxplore the science of how to bulk – We dive into science of calories, macro nutrients, anabolic window and more. Getting you ready for bulking seasoncle while minimizing that dreaded fluffiness. So what does the science say about the ‘sweet spot’, we are after all striving for gains, while not resembling a fluffy cloud.

How to bulk

How to Bulk?

If you’re new to lifting you can experience muscle gains without a bulk, and lose fat, we explored this here. However if your beyond the newbie gains you’re ready to bulk up like a superhero. In the name of bulking you will put on some fat, but we can keep that in check, a little padding is the name of the game. Your ideal bulk time frame can vary depending on the individual. But its best to aim for a period of 16-26 weeks followed by a fat loss phase of 8-12 weeks where your newly chiseled muscles will finally see the light again.   

The Muscular Chemistry Set

Let’s break it down, water is the main component of a muscle, comprising about 75%, aside from that protein is their main ingredient, accounting for about 20%, the remainder is from fats, glycogen, inorganic salts and minerals. So, it’s no surprise that protein is the star player in your bulking meal plans. Research suggests that overfeeding can trigger a whole body anabolic response. So, do your muscles a favor and toss in some extra fuel.

how to bulk

Crunching the numbers

It’s clear that being in an energy deficit can reduce muscle protein synthesis. This can be off set with high protein diet and resistance exercise, as we explored in this post. But have you ever wondered how many calories it takes to forge a kilogram of muscle?  this study suggests that to gain 1 kilogram of muscle your body needs 7000kcal to build it (that’s not in one day of course). However, there seems to be some discrepancy here: this study suggests that the cost of 1kg of skeleton muscle mass is 1500Kcal. Clearly muscles enjoy keeping us guessing.

With that in mind, the energy stored in 1 kilogram of muscle mass is approximately 1200kcal, additional fuel should be supplied for muscle protein synthesis, as well as adequate energy to account for increased metabolic cost of accumulated muscle mass and diet induced thermogenesis. Just remember, your body is unique, and these numbers clearly dance around according to factors such as metabolism, resistance exercise and the whims of your muscle tissue.

Macronutrient considerations and how to bulk

Hold onto your dumbbells, no surprise but protein is the VIP here. A recent study suggests that consuming 1.6-per-kg of your majestic body weight per day produces the best muscle building results. Any more offered no further benefit. This study suggests that you should be having protein packed pit stops every 3-5 hours throughout the day to maximize muscle protein synthesis. Now onto the good stuff: carbs and fats. This study  found that getting your additional calories from fats or carbs doesn’t seem to make a difference to muscle gains. While some swear by keto magic, I refuse to give up my deserts, but at the end of the day its personal choice. It seems like a balanced 4-7g of carbs per kg is the optimal way to stay fueled for the lifts.

Fat should make up the final 20-35% of your calories. Any lower than and you will be waving goodbye to fat soluble vitamins. Furthermore, this study found that reducing fat intake to 13% resulted in significant reduction in resting testosterone, every lifters worst nightmare.

The gain train schedule

So, the question on all of our minds: how long until you’re the embodiment of swole goals? Unfortunately, it’s not one size fits all. It’s more of a choose your own adventure book, guided by your time lifting heavy things, genetics and hormones. This study suggests that energy surplus should be adjusted based on muscle hypertrophy penitential. Therefore, if you’re a seasoned lifter your calorie surplus doesn’t need to be a grand feast like that of a gym newbie. However this study suggests that over a short term perhaps experienced lifters should have a similar surplus to that of the newbies, if this surplus facilitates a physiological response that amplifies the anabolic signal.

how to bulk

Quantifying the Quest

In this calorie counting quest, your bathroom scales become your trusty steed. Start by adding 300-500 extra calories a day and keep the daily weigh-in ritual strong. For the experienced lifters slow and steady wins this muscle race, no more than 0.5lb weekly weight increase, please. Newbies you’re in for a treat, aim for no more than 1lb weekly weight increase. Please just remember, we are in the muscle building business, not the expand your jeans collection.

how to bulk

Nutrition timing anabolic window

The mythical anabolic window – is this actually a thing, or just a mirage? The anabolic window theory suggests that for a limited time (1 hour) after training, there is an opportunity to optimize the accretion of muscle proteins. For a long time, studies had us all believing that the anabolic window was the secret source for gains. Some studies even suggesting this is more important than absolute daily consumption. This used to be all the rage and the go to of how to bulk; however more recent studies such as this say different.  

It seems that the total amount of nutrients is what’s important. Consuming protein straight after a workout is no more beneficial than consuming 3 hours later. What about carbs post, you ask? Do we need to consume a massive bowl of cereal for muscle protein synthesis? Well no – many studies have also experiments on this, and all of them have failed to see that eating carbs within the ‘anabolic window’ makes a difference. Total daily protein and calories are the true muscle maestros. To maximize muscle growth you should devour high quality protein both pre and post exercise. Consume this within about 4-6 hours of each other, and you’ll have the muscle gods nodding in approval.

Conclusion: The Gains Odyssey

You muscle-building journey is an odyssey, filled with protein-packed pit stops, calorie quests, and the elusive anabolic window saga. It’s a time to embrace both muscle and a hint of fluff, all in the pursuit of pleasing those muscle gods. Armed with 1.6g of protein per kilo, a calorie surplus, and the timing of a nutritional ninja, you’re ready to conquer the bulk. Below is the simplified points covered in this blog on how to bulk;

  • 1.6g protein per kg of body weight per day
  • increasing your calories by 300-500kcal each day
  • Eat every 3-5 hours throughout your waking period of day
  • 4-7g carbs per kg of body weight per day.
  • 20-35% of your calories should be from fats
  • There is no ‘anabolic window’